Sisterhood membership offers you many choices and connects you to a deeply committed group of women. These women are of all ages and backgrounds; many hold professional positions in the community, some are full time homemakers, while others are retired. What brings them all together is their love of community, Judaism, learning and their desire to support our synagogue.
Make this the year that you join Sisterhood and attend one of the many interesting Sisterhood activities like bonding at a game night, art projects, and book clubs. Interested in doing a little more? How about helping us by joining a committee, participating in a Sisterhood Shabbat Service, volunteering in the Gift Shop, or Social Action? Whenever you have the time or the inclination to participate, we are holding a place for you!
For more information or to become a member, contact Robin Shaffer, Sisterhood President, at robabooey@comcast.net.

To register and pay via credit card for Sisterhood membership, please click HERE.
For information about upcoming events, please check Adath’s weekly email announcements, or reach out to Robin Shaffer, President, at 609-410-7222.
If you are not currently receiving emails from Adath Emanu-El, please call the office at 856-608-1200.
Sisterhood Board 2024-2026
President - Robin Shaffer
Administrative VP - Dana Ostrovsky-Fine
Membership VP - Diane Singer
Religious VP - Tara Shugar
Fundraising VP - Stacie Sulzberg
Social Action VP - Karen Federman-Ellner
Program VP - Debbie Boyer
Treasurer - Judy Marcus
Financial Secretary - Renae Luboff-Godfrey
Recording Secretary - Sue Goldberg
Corresponding Secretary - Lisa Weinstein
Advisor - Mindy Miller
Communications - Rachael Griffin
Membership Retention - Linda Fischer
Oneg - Diane Singer
Gift Shop - Helen Grimm
Bikur Cholim - Sharon Kaufman
Youth Coordinator - Jill Hollander
Historian - Nancy Lewis
Hospitality - Lori Wolfson
Visiting the Seniors - Cheryl Sperber
Honor & Memory - Janice Bate
Shiva - Helen Grimm & Diane Singer
Rummage Sale - Janice Bate
Member at Large - Judy Richter
Member at Large - Linda Yakatan