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We exist under the concept of a shared leadership, fulfilling the ancient principle of Kol Yisrael arayvim zeh ba-zeh — “All Israel is responsible for one another.”

We take special pride in the fact that many in our leadership, both lay and professional, have been a part of our congregational family since childhood. At the same time, we have welcomed all into our family — Jews by birth, Jews by choice, and interfaith couples. We are so confident that our congregation is such a special place that we recommend to prospective members that they experience other congregations, as well, before they make a final choice. Our experience reaffirms that a special sense of kinship, a welcoming environment, and a feeling of belonging pervade Adath Emanu-El.


Our worship services are both spiritual and learning experiences. We offer an outstanding educational program for both children and adults. Our extensive art and cultural programs are highlighted by the annual Lois G. Levine Arts Weekend and Shabbat Shirah. We have adult and youth retreats, various age-complementary youth groups, an active Sisterhood and Men’s Club, and a vital seniors group. We hold a monthly, original “Healing Service,” promote an accomplished social action program, and offer strong support for Israel and world Jewry. We are constantly searching for new ideas and programs that will deepen our entire community’s commitment to Judaism and the Jewish people.


Our staff includes Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler, Cantorial Soloist Sandra Messenger, Executive Director Jennifer Gotliv, Keyboardist Reed Bodenstein, and Director of Religious Education Abby Wolf. Our lay leadership is headed by President Doug Richter, and Vice Presidents Shira Keet, Joe Horwitz, Perry Rubin, and Brian Sattinger. We are an affiliated Reform congregation with the Union of Reform Judaism.

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