We hope you’ll participate in a special surprise for Rabbi David!
If you follow this link: https://app.memento.com/rabbi-davids-farewell-video/IrCFRsSEv/record, you’ll be taken to a page where you can create a short video for him. It can be sentimental, funny or even both. We’d love to be sure he knows the amazing impact he has had on this congregation over the last 10 years. We will then put together one big video with all of your messages.
Remember, this is a surprise! Please do not discuss with Rabbi David or any member of his family. If you have any questions when you are creating your video, please reach out to Hope Horwitz at hope@fhpublicrelations.com.
Thank you so much! Here is the link again: https://app.memento.com/rabbi-davids-farewell-video/IrCFRsSEv/record.
Rabbi David’s Farewell Dinner Committee