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Passover at Adath Emanu-El

(All events will be held online using the Zoom Meeting ID: 607 550 104)


 Sunday, March 28


10:00 am

Passover Morning Service


5:00 pm

2nd Night of Passover Congregational Family-friendly Seder

This fun-filled, musical seder will include a take-home seder kit provided by the Ritual Committee.

The seder kit includes everything, except the meal, needed to participate from the

comfort of your own home (Kit not required to participate).

Please RSVP to reserve your kit

by Friday, March 19 to or call 856-608-1200.


Kits will be available for pick-up at Adath on Thursday, March 25 from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm.

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